
суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

11 Super Side Effects From Taking L-Carnitine!

11 Super Side Effects From Taking L-Carnitine!
11 Super Side Effects From Taking L-Carnitine!

If you are looking to get lean, then this is the amino acid you need. L-carnitine transfers long-chain fatty acids, such as triglycerides into mitochondria, where they may be oxidized to produce energy. Carnitine has also been shown to reduce fatigue and serve as an appetite suppressant as well. Therefore, l-carnitine would be a major asset to have in your arsenal when you are dieting. It not only will help keep your body from storing fat, but it will increase your aerobic capacity to help you burn more calories. L-carnitine is also a great weapon for hardgainers looking to pack on muscle. Supplementing with l-carnitine can help you increase your strength and heavier weights mean bigger muscles in the long run. Aging bone loss is a major concern of many senior citizens and post-menopausal women. Of course this can lead to increased chances of fractures, osteoporosis, and arthritis among other bone diseases. Fortunately, by taking l-carnitine, you can slow down the bone loss process and improve bone micro structural properties by decreasing bone turnover. Carnitine is primarily used for heart-related conditions. Several clinical trials show that L-carnitine can be used along with conventional treatment for angina to reduce the needs for medicine and improve the ability of those with angina to exercise without chest pain or discomfort. Some studies have determined that taking l-carnitine after a heart attack decreases the chances of suffering another one later. Carnitine has actually been given to help treat people with heart disease. Your kidneys produce carnitine so naturally when people have been diagnosed or may have kidney disease, carnitine is recommended to help make up for the deficiency of carnitine that your kidneys aren't producing. Original article and pictures take http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/11-super-side-effects-from-taking-l-carnitine.html site

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