The 21 Day Fix is my favorite Beachbody program. The nutrition plan is so simple, and the portion-controlled container system played a huge part in my 70 pound weight loss this last year. I highly encourage all of my own Beachbody clients to do this program before starting any other. It allows them to gain a good understanding of how to eat clean and control portion sizes, without the madness of counting calories. I don’t know about you, but calorie counting turns me into a crazy person. A lot of my clients tend to struggle at first putting together a meal plan for the 21 Day Fix, so I’m going to share with you the meal planning process I follow. I’ve also got some free 21 Day Fix planning sheets you can use to make it even easier. Six simple steps to create a 21 Day Fix meal plan: 1) Print out a blank weekly meal planning worksheet and shopping list. I’ve included a copy of mine below. I also have a couple other options in my free fitness journal download. 2) Refer to your master list of clean eating recipes. You can find lots of great clean eating recipes online. You’ll refer to your list over and over again, so save it somewhere that is easy to access. I also created a Clean Eating Board on Pinterest to keep all my pins organized and in one location. Don’t forget to check out all the clean eating recipes I’ve posted here on Sublime Reflection. I add new ones every week. 3) Mark off containers as you add things to your list. The colored letters right below the days of the week represent the color and number of containers for each calorie level. As you add something to your meal plan, cross off the appropriate letter. 4) Start planning the easiest meals first. For most, that will be breakfast and snacks. A lot of people usually eat the same thing for breakfast or switch between a few options. Fill in those slots first. 5) Next, plan for dinner. This is where it’s fun to get creative and add in some new recipes. Often you will have leftovers that you can use to put in some of the lunch slots. If you want, you can even plan to have leftovers one night during the week. Plan crockpot meals on days when you know you don’t have much time or will be away from home most the day. I find it helpful to create a Meal Planning board on Pinterest for new recipes that I want to try. 6) Plan lunch using leftovers or salad. Lunch is a great time to make a great big salad and add any leftover protein from the night before, or simply heat up leftovers. My top TIPS! Spread your nutrients throughout the day. Try to have your carbs earlier in the day. Avoid eating fruit or carbs alone. Make sure you add a fat or protein to keep your blood sugar stable. Don’t stress too much about small amounts of some ingredient in casseroles, soups, etc. To figure out the serving size, measure the ingredients in your containers as you add them to a recipe. Start a recipe binder or Pinterest board to save recipes you want to try and one for those you’ve tried and know you love. Make a list of your favorite things for breakfast and snacks to make planning easier. Free 21 Day Fix Meal Planning Sheets: Other articles you might like: How to tweak the 21 Day Fix if you’re not seeing progress Original article and pictures take http://sublimereflection.com/create-a-21-day-fix-meal-plan/ site
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