No equipment or gym membership required Home Weight Loss Workout Beginners & Busy People: Do 1 of the 15 Home weight loss workouts below for only 10 minutes at a time, 1-to-6 times per day at least 3 days per week. Advanced: Do 1 of the 15 Home weight loss workouts below for 20-to-40 minutes, 1-to-2 times per day for 2-to-4 days per week. Injured: Do this workout using the beginner or advanced plan. Also: 5 Ways to lose weight while injured Click pics to do workout on YouTube Lose 30 Pounds N 30 Days 7 Workout Tips to Lose Weight Fast at Home 1. Lose at Least 10 Lbs. Every 3 Weeks See 10 Rules to lose 10 pounds every 3 weeks or watch the video below to get the most out of the home weight loss workouts above… 2. Wear a Weight Vest Wear a weight vest or book bag that weighs at least 10% of your bodyweight to burn more calories to lose weight faster while working out because your body has to burn more calories or use more energy to move a heavier body. 3. Fat Burners Use fat burners like Green Tea, Lipo-6 or Hydroxycut 30 minutes before your workout to burn more fat. 4. Increase the Intensity For example… Try to do more jumping jacks in 10-to-40 seconds, run or sprint instead of jog, use a heavier or longer sheet for bed sheet workouts 5. Workout More Often Beginners gradually go up to working out 7 days per week &/or doing up to a maximum of SIX 10 minute home workouts a day. Advanced gradually go up to working out 4 days per week &/or doing up to TWO 20-to-40 minute workouts a day. 6. Do a Different Workout If you ever hit a weight loss plateau then do a different home weight loss workout, make sure you eat the right amount of calories &/or lower your calorie intake to start losing weight again. 7. Pedometer Use a Pedometer, Fitbit or download this app so you can stay active (outside of doing the home workouts), get 5,000 steps and burn 250+ extra calories to easily lose at least 26 pounds this year even without doing this workout &diet Home Weight Loss Diet Check your weight every 5-to-10 days & ONLY lower your calorie intake by 250+ calories if you're not losing weight. Please note: if you're eating less than 1500 calories and cant lose weight then chances are you're not tracking your calories correctly. (Why cant I lose weight?) 3 Diet Tips to Lose Weight Faster at Home 1. Intermittent Fasting Eat the calories you need to lose weight at home on an intermittent fasting schedule to force your body to burn more fat. How Intermittent Fasting Works 2. More Protein Studies like this & this ALL prove you'll lose weight faster when protein makes up at least 30% of your diet like these women who lost 11 pounds in 12 weeks doing nothing but eat more protein. 30% protein on 1000-to-1200 calories = 75-to-90 grams of protein per day 30% protein on 1200-to-1500 calories = 90-to-113 grams of protein per day 30% protein 1500-to-1750 calories on = 113-to-132 grams of protein per day 30% protein on 1750-to-2000 calories = 132-to-150 grams of protein per day 3. Bigger Forks & Blue Plates Bigger forks make you eat less (and lose more weight) because you take bigger bites tricking you into believing you are full. Research shows the color blue kills your appetite more than red, yellow, and orange. They Used This Home Weight Loss Plan… Super Mom Loses 56 lbs At Home This is me (on the left) after having my second child but eating sensibly and exercising regularly with advice from your plan to lose a total of 56 pounds Thank you Angie Bailey Down 120 lbs. Pure determination. Clean eating. And good old fashioned hard work! Never quit!! Robert Leischker Good day Adrian, I used the NowLoss.com Home Weight Loss Plan to lose 150 pounds. I'm still working with all the stuff on nowloss.com to further transform my body. Now it's time for me to start some toning and tightening workouts. We got this! Raw Rivera Lost 104 Pounds I 104 pounds (6½ stone) doing the ski steps home weight loss workout My family can't believe I lost all this weight! My metabolism sped up so much that I only gained back 6 pounds in the 7 months I haven't been exercising even while eating some naughty foods. Lee Thurston Lost 98 Pounds Hey Adrian, You really changed my life. I was 250lbs & now I'm 152lbs looking healthy & better than ever from doing the ski steps home workout video This Home Weight Loss Plan is SO easy to use, I mean ANYONE can use it and understand it. It's so straightforward, unlike other sites, you tell it like it is. In order to have this, you must do this. This is what I like, DIRECTIONS, CLEAR DIRECTIONS. You are the master of clear directions. You will go far my friend. I love you, and thank you for all you've done. Anja HB Lost 137 Pounds Hi Adrian Your jumping jack home weight loss workout helped me lose 137 pounds going from 314-to-177 pounds in 7 months along with your diet No more shopping in a giant size people store just to get my clothes. Thanks for being my weight loss hero! Chichiro Yuuki Naga Lost 69 Pounds I've worked very hard using your home weight loss workouts to lose 69 pounds fast to become a healthier mommy and wife! Sincerest thanks Lisa Lemery-Mohanlal He Lost 70 Pounds Doing Jumping Jacks Thanks, I lost 77 lbs. following your jumping jack home workout Sambasivam Krishnamurthy Got Rid of 70 Pounds Hello Adrian! Look at the difference you've made in my life! I've changed, I feel the beauty of life more and more every day. Thank u soo much for always being there my Angel!! Stay blessed! I lost 5 pounds in 1 week just from doing your 30 min Home Workout.Thank you! I want it posted wherever it could be… Such testimonials were a great inspiration to me and I would love to be someone's inspiration!! Ravi Preethi You Helped Me Lose 140lbs. You helped me lose 140lbs. I mainy used your home jumping jack on and ski steps workouts Cameron John *See more Success Stories of people who used this plan to lose weight fast at home *How fast you lose weight is mainly based on how overweight you are before staring this home weight loss workout & diet along with these other weight loss factors More Tips Original article and pictures take http://www.nowloss.com/how-to-lose-weight-at-home.htm site
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