
суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

Muscle Gain Calculator

Muscle Gain Calculator

Please answer all six questions Step 1: How Long Seriously Lifting? Less than 2 year 2 to 5 years 5 to 10 years over 10 years Step 2: Enter Your Age 10-15 years old 16-20 years old 20-30 years old 30-40 years old 40-60 years old 60-80 years old Step 3: Enter Your Nutrition Typical American nutrition 3 square meals a day Strict bodybuilding nutrition Step 4: Enter Workout Time no weight workouts 2-3 hours weightlifting a week 5-7 hours hardcore weightlifting a week Step 5: Enter Your Genetics Naturally muscular (mesomorph, endomorph) Average genetics Hard-gainer (ectomorph) Step 6: Enter Your Height Centimeters: Inches: Your One Year Natural* Muscle Gain Prediction Your One Year Gain Prediction (natural) Imperial Metric Weight gain from natural teen growth spurt (bones, organs, muscles) lbs kg Muscle gain from "newbie effect" lbs kg Ordinary muscle gain lbs kg Total Yearly Lean Body Mass (LBM) gain lbs kg Your Predicted Maximum Natural* Bodyweights LBM (0% bodyfat) kgs lbs Max Scale weight at 5% bodyfat kgs lbs Max scale weight at 10% bodyfat kgs lbs Max scale weight at 15% bodyfat kgs lbs Max scale weight at 20% bodyfat kgs lbs Note: To reach this maximum weight, you will have to have to be strict about your nutrition and be willing to do 5-7 hours of hardcore weight lifting per week. Some maximum muscle prediction calculators use the correlation of wrist size and ankle size of past bodybuilders to predict the limits of natural muscularity, my approach is different. I use the research published in Clin J Sport Med. 1995 Oct;5(4):223-8 which uses the Fat Free Mass Index (FFMI) to determine the upper bounds on your natural muscularity. Here is the forumula for FFMI: FFMI = (LeanBodyMass / height^2) + 6.1*(1.8m – height) where height is in meters and LeanBodyMass is in kilograms. The research found that 26 is the maximum FFMI for natural bodybuilders so substituting 26 for the FFMI and solving for LeanBodyMass gives the following formula for the LeanBody Mass LeanBodyMass = height^2 * (26 – 6.1*( 1.8m – height)) The above equation gives the maximum natural body mass for a given height. Please note that this is a maximum and very few people can reach the maximum, it takes blessed genetics, good nutrition, and killer workouts to get to the max FFMI of 26. I have used the research mentioned below to attempt to provide as accurate prediction as is possible but bodybuilding is not an exact science, please read about research and bodybuilding. The above provides a pretty darn good guess but of course, there is a wide variation. I have attempted to take into as many factors as possible into account to give you a good prediction of your yearly LBM gain potential but there is a wide variation. The biggest error in this prediction is with teens because of the incredible unpredictability of the teen growth spurt. Please see the expectation range chart on my bodybuilding expectations page to see the wide variation possible and how my calculator comes up with its predictions. These predictions are based upon the CDC growth rate charts and the research done by Westcott et al. 2009. What is Natural? Please note, that this calculator predicts your maximum possible natural weight, key of course is which definition of natural I am using. In the context of this prediction calculator, “natural” means no steroids, no pro-hormone supplements, no hormone replacement therapy, and no testosterone boosters – that is, no products that artificially raise testosterone levels. I realize that this is a very, very loose definition of natural and its one that personally I don’t agree with. If you use every product that GNC has to offer that doesn’t boost testosterone, I would consider you natural and the predictions of this calculator would be applicable to you. Original article and pictures take http://scoobysworkshop.com/muscle-gain-calculator/ site

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