
суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.

Paleo Week One Meal Plan

Paleo Week One Meal Plan
Paleo Week One Meal Plan - Nerdy Foodie Mom

Hey guys! This week I'm sharing my Paleo week one meal plan with you. As you might know, a while back I mentioned going gluten-free. I got in a really great groove, lost almost 10 lbs, was consistently working out, and then I got extremely sick. I stopped everything, went on a super bad eating spree, and gained most of it back. The reason I'm being honest with you, rather than telling you how successful I was, is because I want you to know that I'm a human too. I make mistakes. What I found was that gluten free was easily achievable, but it still allowed me to have some grains, and ultimately led me into pasta temptation-land. A few weeks ago, my mother in law brought Paleo to my attention. Though I'd heard of it, I never knew much about it, and I wasn't really interested. She started doing it, mentioned a ton of yummy foods to me, and talked about her success and how much better she felt. Essentially, it eliminates dairy, sugar, and grains from your diet. All of those things have in the past caused issues in some way or another, grains with my asthma, dairy with my stomach, and sugar with my weight [read: I've got a huge sweet tooth]. This Paleo week one meal plan has been a huge help to me and I hope it can help you too! I decided to commit to Paleo, for at least a week. What I've been reading though, is that some of the effects of withdrawal from sugars and grains can cause some pretty intense side effects. So I decided I'm committing to at least a month. I want to share my successes with you, and talk about how well it's going and such. So I'll be doing a weekly meal plan, discussing what worked for me and what didn't. You'll notice in my meal plan some of the meals have (*) after them. This is because the recipes in this Paleo week one meal plan are all gathered from Practical Paleo, a book given to me by my mother in law with TONS of Paleo information, meal plans, recipes, and more. If you are at ALL interested in Paleo, I highly recommend buying this book. I geeked out on it for over an hour when I first got it in the mail! The smoothie recipes can be found right here on Nerdy Foodie Mom, though you'll have to adapt to leave out the oats! And while I'm recommending books, I highly recommend Real Life Paleo. It's another book similar to Practical Paleo filled with tons of great recipes, and I'll always advocate for having more recipes in your recipe rotation. If you like this week, check out my Paleo Week Two Meal Plan as well! If you have any questions/comments about Paleo, the Paleo week one meal plan, or anything else, leave me a comment in the section below! Feel free to join me on this journey and pin this image on Pinterest to follow along! If you don't follow me on Pinterest yet, now is the perfect time to do so! Original article and pictures take http://thetailoredmama.com/2014/06/30/paleo-week-one-meal-plan/ site

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