Since the colder months are coming up, a ton of you have been asking for fun mini-challenges or workouts that can be done at home with minimal equipment. Here is a fun little workout that you can do in addition to my 12 week home workout bundle! Monday 5 Push Ups 25 Burpees 10 Sit Ups 20 Jumping Jacks 60 Sec. Wall Sit 15 Tricep Dips 40 Sec. Plank 30 Squats Tuesday 10 Squats 25 Lunges 15 Push Ups 30 Crunches 5 Burpees 40 Sec. Wall Sit 20 Butt Kicks 35 Sit Ups Wednesday 25 Sec. Plank 30 Squats 40 Crunches 15 High Knees 10 Russian Twists 5 Push Ups 20 Lunges 35 Tricep Dips Thursday 35 Sec. Wall Sit 20 Crunches 10 Push Ups 30 Sit Ups 25 High Knees 40 Sec. Side Plank 15 Russian Twists 5 Squats Friday 40 Burpees 15 Jumping Jacks 20 Crunches 35 Squats 5 Russian Twists 30 High Knees 10 Butt Kicks 25 Sec. Side Plank Saturday REST Sunday REST Cardio (by week) 30 second sprint, 30 second jog (5x) 35 second sprint, 45 second jog (6x) 45 second sprint, 60 second jog (7x) 50 second sprint, 45 second jog (8x) 55 second sprint, 30 second jog (7x) 60 second sprint, 45 second jog (7x) 60 second sprint, 45 second jog (6x) 65 second sprint, 60 second jog (5x) Use your mouse to and hover over the image below to pin to Pinterest for future reference! Original article and pictures take https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/diary-a-fit-mommy-14421735/8-week-no-gym-home-workout-plan-4669585469 site
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