Have you ever wanted to be superhero fast, have strong massive muscles, burn more fat and be in shape? Then forget about the slow, tormenting cardio on the treadmill or the long, exhausting running – marathons. There is one training that will give you all of that for ultra-short time. Just keep reading… During my whole life I’ve been following the Olympic Games. I’m sure you’ve also watched or at least heard of them. This is the most elite sports events in the world. You can see the most distinguished athletes from all kinds of sports. But when you hear “Olympic Games” what do you think of first? Athletics, right, and more precisely – The 100 Meters! Yeees, this is one of the most attractive branch where legends as Usain Bolt, Michael Johnson, Tyson Gay, Asafa Powell, Ben Johnson, Justin Gatlin, Morris Green and many others are born. These are also the fastest men on earth. Athletics as a whole is one of the hardest sports. Sprinters are among the people with most perfect physiques in the world, wide-shouldered with bulky, muscular legs. For a reason they look like bodybuilders. To be able to run 100 meters under 10 seconds you need superhuman explosive power. Spinters’ trainings include not only running but also weight lifting. In case you are wondering, yes, they are bodybuilders. Some of them even can be called professional bodybuilders with their perfectly sculpted bodies. You are probably thinking right now “what are you talking about, to be athletic and fast is a gift”. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t! A part of being a successful sportsman is the talent and genes you have but it’s nothing if you don’t develop it. Do you agree with me that to look like an athlete you have to train like one. This is what I want to present to you. А workout which is going to make you flying, will give you superhuman power and burn a lot of your excess fat and make you look like an elite athlete. This workout is one of the best athletic trainings out there. It is practiced by some of the most prominent sportsmen and is often used by leading UFC fighters. It’s really simple, but has a lot of benefits for you. It’s called HILL SPRINTS. There are a lot of articles on the Internet about this type of workout. I read and make deep research on many and tried almost everything of what I learnt–from top expert’s advice to regular training people’s experience. I want to spare you the exhausting searching and reading through tons and tons of articles and forums about the most effective way to perform HILL SPRINTS. In the next lines you will find a step-by-step guide to what to do, so keep reading… The steps you have to undertake to get to the next level and gain the body and strength of an elite athlete. Let’s get to the essential part! To save you the trouble of reading complicated and long sentences I gathered everything you need to learn in 3 simple steps. And here they are: STEP 1. TIME AND EQUIPMENT Here you will learn what you will need as an equipment and how long this training will take you. TIME: Usually it takes me around 20 to 30 minutes to complete the whole training but for you it can more or less. So I suggest you allow it at least an hour (this is including the warm-up before the actual training). EQUIPMENT: You won’t be needing special equipment. Just wear something comfortable as sweat pants or shorts. And of course comfortable sneakers (preferable running shoes). In case you’re into naked marathons and you like spending time in the police station, then don’t wear anything! Ha-ha, I’m kidding! This is everything about Step 1. Here is Step 2. STEP 2. PLACE How do you choose the right place to do this training? This can be everywhere around you. So, find a suitable hill. The ideal hill should be short with a grade of the incline somewhere between 20° and 40°. Such an inclination will develop your sprint technique and speed. The hill can also be long, but have in mind that your sprints shouldn’t be longer than 10-15 seconds to the top. You can totally use the nearby street with a similar inclination or just take a walk to the nearest hill. Asphalt or off-road? You decide. So here comes the third and most important Step. STEP 3. EXECUTION This is the most essential part. Here you can find two possible combinations for the same workout. Depending on your level choose the more suitable one. Version 1. Sprint to the top of the hill and go back down jogging. Repeat 4 or 5 times without resting. Do 2 to 3 sets, rest 60 seconds between them. Speed should be 90% or high of your 100% speed sprint. Version 2. Do 5 sprints to the top of the hill and walk back down, which is going to serve as your rest period. Do 2–3 sets (you choose) with 30-60 seconds breaks between each set. Speed: 80% or high of your 100% speed sprint. Of course, you can always change the training as you like it or based on what you aim for (gain muscles, lose weight or cut-off). This training is а variety of H.I.I.T. – High Intensity Interval Training. As you can see there’s nothing complicated in performing it. Choose one of two combinations, whichever corresponds to your condition and shape in the moment and start doing it at least once a week. Important Tips: #To get the maximum out of the hill sprints training try to do each sprint at least at 80% of your 100% speed (run as if you are chased by a bear). #Hill sprints lower the chance of traumas. The body is bent forward and the pose is almost natural for it. Overexerting of joints is less compared to running on an even surface. #Extremely important part of a training is the preparation itself. You need to warm up your body well before getting to the essential part. #Hill sprints will improve your sprints technique much faster than even surface sprints. Let the movement lead you! Conclusion Now you know everything for HILL SPRINTS and I don’t see a reason why you wouldn’t start doing them. Maximum speed, strength, explosiveness and more defined muscles. This is what you can expect almost immediately from this type of high intensity interval training. In short here are again the three steps: Time and equipment – time for implementation around 20 minutes, running shoes and shorts Place – find a suitable hill with incline between 20 and 40° Execution – choose one of the two options for this training (see above) Sounds simple enough, right? HILL SPRINTS are super effective workout which will take you to the next level to building your dream body. So, what about your cardio routine? Original article and pictures take http://www.vshealthandfitness.com/hill-sprints-guide/ site
суббота, 22 июля 2017 г.
How To Become Super Fast. A Step-By-Step Guide To Hill Sprints
How To Become Super Fast. A Step-By-Step Guide To Hill Sprints
Have you ever wanted to be superhero fast, have strong massive muscles, burn more fat and be in shape? Then forget about the slow, tormenting cardio on the treadmill or the long, exhausting running – marathons. There is one training that will give you all of that for ultra-short time. Just keep reading… During my whole life I’ve been following the Olympic Games. I’m sure you’ve also watched or at least heard of them. This is the most elite sports events in the world. You can see the most distinguished athletes from all kinds of sports. But when you hear “Olympic Games” what do you think of first? Athletics, right, and more precisely – The 100 Meters! Yeees, this is one of the most attractive branch where legends as Usain Bolt, Michael Johnson, Tyson Gay, Asafa Powell, Ben Johnson, Justin Gatlin, Morris Green and many others are born. These are also the fastest men on earth. Athletics as a whole is one of the hardest sports. Sprinters are among the people with most perfect physiques in the world, wide-shouldered with bulky, muscular legs. For a reason they look like bodybuilders. To be able to run 100 meters under 10 seconds you need superhuman explosive power. Spinters’ trainings include not only running but also weight lifting. In case you are wondering, yes, they are bodybuilders. Some of them even can be called professional bodybuilders with their perfectly sculpted bodies. You are probably thinking right now “what are you talking about, to be athletic and fast is a gift”. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t! A part of being a successful sportsman is the talent and genes you have but it’s nothing if you don’t develop it. Do you agree with me that to look like an athlete you have to train like one. This is what I want to present to you. А workout which is going to make you flying, will give you superhuman power and burn a lot of your excess fat and make you look like an elite athlete. This workout is one of the best athletic trainings out there. It is practiced by some of the most prominent sportsmen and is often used by leading UFC fighters. It’s really simple, but has a lot of benefits for you. It’s called HILL SPRINTS. There are a lot of articles on the Internet about this type of workout. I read and make deep research on many and tried almost everything of what I learnt–from top expert’s advice to regular training people’s experience. I want to spare you the exhausting searching and reading through tons and tons of articles and forums about the most effective way to perform HILL SPRINTS. In the next lines you will find a step-by-step guide to what to do, so keep reading… The steps you have to undertake to get to the next level and gain the body and strength of an elite athlete. Let’s get to the essential part! To save you the trouble of reading complicated and long sentences I gathered everything you need to learn in 3 simple steps. And here they are: STEP 1. TIME AND EQUIPMENT Here you will learn what you will need as an equipment and how long this training will take you. TIME: Usually it takes me around 20 to 30 minutes to complete the whole training but for you it can more or less. So I suggest you allow it at least an hour (this is including the warm-up before the actual training). EQUIPMENT: You won’t be needing special equipment. Just wear something comfortable as sweat pants or shorts. And of course comfortable sneakers (preferable running shoes). In case you’re into naked marathons and you like spending time in the police station, then don’t wear anything! Ha-ha, I’m kidding! This is everything about Step 1. Here is Step 2. STEP 2. PLACE How do you choose the right place to do this training? This can be everywhere around you. So, find a suitable hill. The ideal hill should be short with a grade of the incline somewhere between 20° and 40°. Such an inclination will develop your sprint technique and speed. The hill can also be long, but have in mind that your sprints shouldn’t be longer than 10-15 seconds to the top. You can totally use the nearby street with a similar inclination or just take a walk to the nearest hill. Asphalt or off-road? You decide. So here comes the third and most important Step. STEP 3. EXECUTION This is the most essential part. Here you can find two possible combinations for the same workout. Depending on your level choose the more suitable one. Version 1. Sprint to the top of the hill and go back down jogging. Repeat 4 or 5 times without resting. Do 2 to 3 sets, rest 60 seconds between them. Speed should be 90% or high of your 100% speed sprint. Version 2. Do 5 sprints to the top of the hill and walk back down, which is going to serve as your rest period. Do 2–3 sets (you choose) with 30-60 seconds breaks between each set. Speed: 80% or high of your 100% speed sprint. Of course, you can always change the training as you like it or based on what you aim for (gain muscles, lose weight or cut-off). This training is а variety of H.I.I.T. – High Intensity Interval Training. As you can see there’s nothing complicated in performing it. Choose one of two combinations, whichever corresponds to your condition and shape in the moment and start doing it at least once a week. Important Tips: #To get the maximum out of the hill sprints training try to do each sprint at least at 80% of your 100% speed (run as if you are chased by a bear). #Hill sprints lower the chance of traumas. The body is bent forward and the pose is almost natural for it. Overexerting of joints is less compared to running on an even surface. #Extremely important part of a training is the preparation itself. You need to warm up your body well before getting to the essential part. #Hill sprints will improve your sprints technique much faster than even surface sprints. Let the movement lead you! Conclusion Now you know everything for HILL SPRINTS and I don’t see a reason why you wouldn’t start doing them. Maximum speed, strength, explosiveness and more defined muscles. This is what you can expect almost immediately from this type of high intensity interval training. In short here are again the three steps: Time and equipment – time for implementation around 20 minutes, running shoes and shorts Place – find a suitable hill with incline between 20 and 40° Execution – choose one of the two options for this training (see above) Sounds simple enough, right? HILL SPRINTS are super effective workout which will take you to the next level to building your dream body. So, what about your cardio routine? Original article and pictures take http://www.vshealthandfitness.com/hill-sprints-guide/ site
Have you ever wanted to be superhero fast, have strong massive muscles, burn more fat and be in shape? Then forget about the slow, tormenting cardio on the treadmill or the long, exhausting running – marathons. There is one training that will give you all of that for ultra-short time. Just keep reading… During my whole life I’ve been following the Olympic Games. I’m sure you’ve also watched or at least heard of them. This is the most elite sports events in the world. You can see the most distinguished athletes from all kinds of sports. But when you hear “Olympic Games” what do you think of first? Athletics, right, and more precisely – The 100 Meters! Yeees, this is one of the most attractive branch where legends as Usain Bolt, Michael Johnson, Tyson Gay, Asafa Powell, Ben Johnson, Justin Gatlin, Morris Green and many others are born. These are also the fastest men on earth. Athletics as a whole is one of the hardest sports. Sprinters are among the people with most perfect physiques in the world, wide-shouldered with bulky, muscular legs. For a reason they look like bodybuilders. To be able to run 100 meters under 10 seconds you need superhuman explosive power. Spinters’ trainings include not only running but also weight lifting. In case you are wondering, yes, they are bodybuilders. Some of them even can be called professional bodybuilders with their perfectly sculpted bodies. You are probably thinking right now “what are you talking about, to be athletic and fast is a gift”. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t! A part of being a successful sportsman is the talent and genes you have but it’s nothing if you don’t develop it. Do you agree with me that to look like an athlete you have to train like one. This is what I want to present to you. А workout which is going to make you flying, will give you superhuman power and burn a lot of your excess fat and make you look like an elite athlete. This workout is one of the best athletic trainings out there. It is practiced by some of the most prominent sportsmen and is often used by leading UFC fighters. It’s really simple, but has a lot of benefits for you. It’s called HILL SPRINTS. There are a lot of articles on the Internet about this type of workout. I read and make deep research on many and tried almost everything of what I learnt–from top expert’s advice to regular training people’s experience. I want to spare you the exhausting searching and reading through tons and tons of articles and forums about the most effective way to perform HILL SPRINTS. In the next lines you will find a step-by-step guide to what to do, so keep reading… The steps you have to undertake to get to the next level and gain the body and strength of an elite athlete. Let’s get to the essential part! To save you the trouble of reading complicated and long sentences I gathered everything you need to learn in 3 simple steps. And here they are: STEP 1. TIME AND EQUIPMENT Here you will learn what you will need as an equipment and how long this training will take you. TIME: Usually it takes me around 20 to 30 minutes to complete the whole training but for you it can more or less. So I suggest you allow it at least an hour (this is including the warm-up before the actual training). EQUIPMENT: You won’t be needing special equipment. Just wear something comfortable as sweat pants or shorts. And of course comfortable sneakers (preferable running shoes). In case you’re into naked marathons and you like spending time in the police station, then don’t wear anything! Ha-ha, I’m kidding! This is everything about Step 1. Here is Step 2. STEP 2. PLACE How do you choose the right place to do this training? This can be everywhere around you. So, find a suitable hill. The ideal hill should be short with a grade of the incline somewhere between 20° and 40°. Such an inclination will develop your sprint technique and speed. The hill can also be long, but have in mind that your sprints shouldn’t be longer than 10-15 seconds to the top. You can totally use the nearby street with a similar inclination or just take a walk to the nearest hill. Asphalt or off-road? You decide. So here comes the third and most important Step. STEP 3. EXECUTION This is the most essential part. Here you can find two possible combinations for the same workout. Depending on your level choose the more suitable one. Version 1. Sprint to the top of the hill and go back down jogging. Repeat 4 or 5 times without resting. Do 2 to 3 sets, rest 60 seconds between them. Speed should be 90% or high of your 100% speed sprint. Version 2. Do 5 sprints to the top of the hill and walk back down, which is going to serve as your rest period. Do 2–3 sets (you choose) with 30-60 seconds breaks between each set. Speed: 80% or high of your 100% speed sprint. Of course, you can always change the training as you like it or based on what you aim for (gain muscles, lose weight or cut-off). This training is а variety of H.I.I.T. – High Intensity Interval Training. As you can see there’s nothing complicated in performing it. Choose one of two combinations, whichever corresponds to your condition and shape in the moment and start doing it at least once a week. Important Tips: #To get the maximum out of the hill sprints training try to do each sprint at least at 80% of your 100% speed (run as if you are chased by a bear). #Hill sprints lower the chance of traumas. The body is bent forward and the pose is almost natural for it. Overexerting of joints is less compared to running on an even surface. #Extremely important part of a training is the preparation itself. You need to warm up your body well before getting to the essential part. #Hill sprints will improve your sprints technique much faster than even surface sprints. Let the movement lead you! Conclusion Now you know everything for HILL SPRINTS and I don’t see a reason why you wouldn’t start doing them. Maximum speed, strength, explosiveness and more defined muscles. This is what you can expect almost immediately from this type of high intensity interval training. In short here are again the three steps: Time and equipment – time for implementation around 20 minutes, running shoes and shorts Place – find a suitable hill with incline between 20 and 40° Execution – choose one of the two options for this training (see above) Sounds simple enough, right? HILL SPRINTS are super effective workout which will take you to the next level to building your dream body. So, what about your cardio routine? Original article and pictures take http://www.vshealthandfitness.com/hill-sprints-guide/ site
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